The Future Of Human Resources: 5 Ways To Improve Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is one of the most important aspects of HR. First, engaged employees are more productive. They’re more likely to put forth an extra effort and be creative in their work. Second, engaged employees are more satisfied with their work. They feel like they’re doing something meaningful and they’re more likely to stick with their jobs. Finally, engaged employees are less likely to leave their jobs. They’re more loyal to their companies and they don’t want to start over at a new company. HR professionals must take steps to improve employee engagement. By doing so, they can create a more productive, satisfied, and loyal workforce.

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2-Day Labor Relations & Employee Engagement Certificate Program

With a new administration in office, there has been a dramatic change in the federal Labor Relations sector. The New Executive Order on Worker Organizing and Empowerment has brought focus on encouraging and incentivizing unionization and collective bargaining. Changes in the makeup of the NLRB and the EEOC, as well as a reinvigorated OSHA have dramatically increased the importance of these agencies for US businesses. Employee relations should not be contentious. The second half of this course is focused on Employee Engagement and the creation and maintenance of an enterprise consisting of happy and motivated people working in a diverse and innovative workplace, and developing products that you and your community truly believe in. Being a part of a team in which goals are met and careers grow. Watching profits create new opportunities for you and your family. A workplace where everyone is engaged.

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