Elga creates a learning experience that is for all types of learners. Her positive upbeat energy is contagious and you will remember information she presents. I had the opportunity to attend Elga’s PHR/SPHR Exam Prep Workshop in October of 2017, and have bragged about Elga’s extensive knowledge of Human Resources to all of my peers practicing HR since leaving her class. I am truly confident in stating I am a Human Resources Professional because of the knowledge and tools Elga shared with me. Most of all I appreciate the passion Elga has for everything she does, she followed up with me after her class to make sure I was studying and keeping a positive attitude. Elga was the first one to call and congratulate me after I received my preliminary PASS results a week after her Workshop. Elga genuinely wants others to succeed and follow their passion in life. I would recommend getting to know Elga, she is an amazing person!
Melissa Evans, PHR
Melissa Evans, PHR
Casey's General Store
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